Líadáin Éire is a multidisciplinary artist with moving image at the core of her practice. Strongly influenced by cinema, folklore and historical characters she often begins with stories, though the work itself always creeps around the edges of narrative, never quite embracing the full arc. Sometimes various sculptural or image making approaches are used in order to extend the atmosphere cast by her films, creating environments that seek to express phenomenological ideas of time, sense of place, light and dark, nature and the supernatural, and romanticism and horror. In her most recent work she has used research into the Irish fairies as a way to explore ideas of human and ‘more-than-human’ perception and consciousness, personal and collective trauma and belief. Éire looks at these fairy beliefs and experiences as a key to an alternative perspective that moves beyond the boundaries of Western rationality.
1991, London, UK
2020-2022 MA Fine Art Media, Slade School of Fine Art
Xxijra Hii
Enclave 4
50 Resolution Way,
London SE8 4AL
Xxijra Hii is a member of New Art Dealers Alliance (NADA) and the Gallery Climate Coalition (GCC).